Functionality & Compliance
Collect the right participant data for ED-915, 916, 917, and 918 questionnaires
The AGS Prime Good Jobs Challenge application will track individual record-level data on participant demographics, services, activities, and employment outcomes. Additionally, it will be built to track employer engagement, contacts, activities, and services delivered with the integrated business services module. Please note this application is not meant for tracking financial data requirements as specified by the EDA.
The system, created specifically for the Good Jobs Challenge grant, will be actively monitored during the duration of the grant and updated to reflect changes in participant-level reporting requirements.

No matter the product, our support remains the same
Training for system administration and train-the-trainer
We'll set you up for success with live, web-based training with your System Administrator and End User Trainer to ensure proficiency in operating the software and build confidence before teaching it to employees.
Unmetered, on-going System Administrator technical support
We are always willing to help with any administrative technical support issues throughout and after your grant timeline. Give us a call or visit our contact page for more information.
Grant specific user group webinars
Participate in grant-specific user group webinars to ask questions, hear system updates, and have the opportunity to converse with other users.