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Areas of Expertise

Over 25 years serving DOL ETA grants and projects


One Workforce

The newest AGS Prime pre-built, WIPS compliant template capable of managing and reporting H-1B One Workforce data. Built according to the specific reporting requirements described in section C, parts 2 and 3 of the FOA, AGS Prime One Workforce is WIPS compliant and ready for your organization to start collecting, managing, and reporting your data. For more information regarding reporting functionality and other product specifications, visit the AGS Prime One Workforce page.  


Rural Healthcare

The AGS Prime Rural Healthcare application is specifically created to track and manage the WIOA primary indicators of performance as described in section VI.C.2 of the FOA as well as create a WIPS compliant Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) as described in section VI.C.3 of the FOA. Similar to previous H-1B templates, reporting capabilities include data validation for compliance checking, the quarterly compliant WIPS file, ability to track the required six participant outcomes using DOL's WIPS system, as well as many system reports, queries, and data exports.


Closing the Skills Gap

The AGS Prime Closing the Skills Gap application is an H-1B WIPS-compliant, pre-built data collection system currently in use by grantees to track individual record-level data on participant characteristics, services, activities, and apprenticeship employment, and employer management. In addition to compliant quarterly WIPS reporting, grantees track the Performance Outcome Measures specified for regularly assessing goals vs. actual outcomes.


Scaling Apprenticeship

AGS provides DOL ETA Scaling Apprenticeship grant recipients with a data collection template to track all the data required by this grant in a case management environment. The system is updated regularly to match the definitions, code values and logic rules in the Amended ETA-9172 PIRL for H-1B WIPS reporting and is modified as needed to meet changes in reporting requirements for the Scaling Apprenticeship Through Sector-Based Strategies grant.


 Performance tracking and analytics for diverse situations


Workforce Agencies

Many award-winning workforce agencies use AGS software to track and analyze job seeker activities, business services, and training and support costs. The self-service feature for automated tracking is also very popular at WIBs and One Stops.

Psychology Patient

Social Service Agencies

Social services agencies use AGS software to understand who they are serving, which services are the most in-demand, how many participants have successfully completed different programs, and what results participants have achieved.

College Students

Community Colleges

Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Workforce Development, Career Services, Grants, and Special Programs departments use AGS software to track and assess students' credential, training, and employment achievements.

Doctor with Files

Health Care Agencies

A recently expanded industry, AGS software is being used to track and manage patient information, services received, and outcomes to meet compliance for SUD-MH grants regarding HIPPA and reporting guidelines.

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